Campbell is 10 months old!

Hey! Look who is posting this relatively on time!! I can’t believe Campbell is 10 months old already and in just two short months she will be 1. Eeek!! This has been a fun month for us around here. Unfortunately, I don’t have a ton of pics this time, but here are her updates!



  • Teething: Campbell is still working on those top two teeth. One has popped through but the other hasn’t. They seem to be causing her quite a bit of pain and she won’t let me put my finger anywhere near there. Poor little thing. A few days ago she developed a 102 fever but never had any other symptoms, so I am thinking it may have been caused by the teeth!


  • Eating: Campbell has been eating everything lately. It is fun now that I can give her whatever we are eating and she usually enjoys it. However, she is definitely not as in to food as her brother was at this age. I remember that he would get sooo hungry and would love to eat. But Campbell never seems to be super hungry and she often just kind of pushes food around and pops some in her mouth here and there. She also definitely still prefers for us to feed her!


  • Language: Campbell has her first real word and it’s “hi!” She says it all the time in the car or even in her room by herself when she is supposed to be taking a nap. Whenever the phone rings, she yells “hi!” (I guess she hears us say it when we pick up the phone).  She loves to say it back to you, so all three of us have gotten into a never-ending cycle of saying hi to her. And if you say it to her in a whisper, she will even whisper hi in response. Here is a little video. Sorry it is so blurry–I think my lens was a little dirty!

  • Signs: I have tried to remember to sign with Campbell more often and she has learned how to sign “more” pretty well, though she sometimes gets frustrated with it. I guess next I will work on teaching her milk, water, and all done. I can’t really remember what other signs are useful.


  • Oral: Loves to put every and anything into her mouth! I can’t wait for her to be past this stage. It is gross but it also makes me nervous because I never know if she will find some tiny toy of Sam’s that got left out on accident!


  • Goofy: Campbell definitely has a silly streak and she especially loves making her brother laugh (which, frankly, isn’t too hard!). Here is a little video of her demonstrating her fondness for the fart noise and a few other silly moves.

  • Mobility: Campbell has gotten so good at army crawling and is really super speedy when she wants to be. Of course, this has caused a little tension between her and Sam now that she can get into his stuff and Sam often asks me to put her in the playpen. But he is learning to play with her and she is learning how fun Sam’s toys are.



  • Sleeping: still good. nighttime is 8-7:30 and naps are 10-11:30 and 2:30-4:30 (but she often wakes up about 15 minutes early from the afternoon nap).

Mommy and Daddy love you, sweet girl!!



3 thoughts on “Campbell is 10 months old!

  1. Nana

    Hilarious what a little clown she is!! And in some of the photos she’s looking more like Sam than I’ve seen before. Can’t wait to see the tricks in person!

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