Sitting up is hard to do…

Since becoming a mom, I have developed an acute awareness of developmental milestones. Eye contact and smiles? One month. Rolling over? Four months. Sure, sure, all the books point out that these monthly estimates are averages and every baby develops differently. I realized somewhere along the way that I interpreted this to mean that my “above average baby” should hit each of these milestones days, if not weeks, early.

This has lead to many panicked conversations with Ben as the end of each month draws near and Sam has yet to hit the most recent milestone. “Ben! He won’t make eye contact! Do you think he hates me?” or “Ben! Do you think there is something wrong with his fine motor skills? He hasn’t grabbed anything yet!”

Yes, I am a little crazy. And yes, it is a good thing I married someone slightly less prone to overreacting. But I know I am not alone in worrying about my child’s development. I have heard other moms talking about how they can’t imagine that their child will ever learn to roll over, or sit up, or crawl. And then one day they do. Babies are neat like that.

My latest obsessive fear was that Sam wouldn’t be able to sit up by 6 months. I am embarrassed to admit that I even asked the doctor about it. (It was not the reason for the visit, but while I was there it couldn’t hurt to ask, right?) I am not sure why I was so worried. If just seemed like every time I put him in a sitting position, he threw his legs forward and fell backwards.

But then he started staying in the sitting position for a little bit longer…



and down!


But I was still crazy, and I still worried. Because that’s what I do, apparently. Then we went to see Sam’s doctor for his 6 month check up. Dr. M walked in while Sam was sitting on the exam table and remarked at what a good sitter he was for his age. I tried to pretend like I wasn’t the type of mother to get hung up on stuff like that.

Maybe someday I will be one of those cool, laid-back moms. Until then, I’ll just try to keep my neuroses to myself.

3 thoughts on “Sitting up is hard to do…

  1. Grandma Judi

    You’ll be relieved (?) to know that Sam’s daddy didn’t really sit up well till 9 months! And he seems to be able to sit now, at least most of the time.

  2. Gina

    LOL! I love your blog! I have to agree all the books and websites we have these days can be a little much for us new moms trying to make sure our little guys are “on time” with their new developments! I am sure they will both be fine though!

  3. Pat

    Great pictures to accompany the great read. Felt like I was there. Which by the way, I hope to be, soon. Love you, sweet heart.

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