Hanukkah at Preschool

When Ben was younger, his parents used to come into his classroom during the Hanukkah season to teach all his classmates about Hanukkah. I know this because many of our friends that were in his class back then bring it up whenever we see them! It seems like the Hanukkah lesson was a hit!! So this year when Sam’s teacher mentioned that she loves to have parents come in to give demonstrations about a special tradition they have, like Hanukkah, we knew we had to do it!

I let Ben take the lead on all this (he is the Jewish parent, after all) and he did an awesome job! He planned a whole mini lesson for the kids explaining the story of Hanukkah and what we do to celebrate. Sam got to co-teach with him, which he LOVED. Sam lit the candles and showed the kids how to spin the dreidel, and then Ben read a short Hanukkah book. Then all the kids got to try a latke and take home a dreidel.

It was so fun and I am sure we will do it again in his future classes!!



