Campbell at TWO

Here is a snapshot of Campbell at 2 years old. She is such a fun little girl and we just love love love her to pieces. I literally forgot about making her two year old appointment with the pediatrician until I started writing this post, so I don’t have her height and weight stats (bad mommy!) but I will update with those soon.

Talking up a storm: Campbell’s language has exploded lately! She is talking in full sentences and is constantly using words we didn’t know she knew. It is so fun to watch!


Loves books: She loves reading and being read to. If anyone starts reading a book, she runs over and snuggles up to listen. Now we just need to get Sam ready to read books to her!


Sweets lover: Campbell is an ok eater but she really loves sweets. She is definitely in a stage where her appetite waxes and wanes, but she always has room for dessert. Her favorite is hot cocoa–hence the birthday party theme! One of her funny quirks is that she always licks her food: licks peanut butter off toast, frosting off cupcakes, etc.


Snuggler: She is still such a snuggly girl!! We love it!





Likes to dance: She is still dancing, but has added some new moves! Here she is dancing in her high chair after eating some Chinese take-out.

Loves bows and tutus and princesses and tea parties: Loving bows is nothing new (she got some bigger ones as a birthday present) but she is getting more and more into all things girly. I am trying to keep it in check since I know pretty soon she will be obsessed with all that stuff but it is pretty cute to see her growing into a little girl. Of course, she still loves playing with all of Sam’s toys too!







Saw her first movie: Over Christmas we took Campbell (and Sam and cousin Ella) to see Frozen and she loved it! I wasn’t sure how she would do in a movie theater but she was mostly entertained and when she got bored, I could distract her with some cheese fries. She has been singing “Let It Gooooo” ever since.


Polite: She is really into saying “please,” “thank you” (or “tanks”), “you’re welcome,” and “sorry.” It is pretty funny to have a conversation with her–she will find a way to use each of those words at least once.


May be read to potty train: She will very reliably tell us when she has peed or pooped and asks us to change her diaper. She also likes to tell us “I need to go potty!” especially if Sam is going potty. However, I am not really ready to go down that road, so hopefully she’ll still be ready in a few months.

Really goofy: She is the silliest little thing and is always cracking us up. She especially likes to make Sam laugh and the two of them will really get going. She has two totally fake laughs–one that sounds kind of like Ernie from Sesame Street and another that is kind of a deep chortle. Silly silly girl.


Likes to do things by herself: She’s definitely getting into the independent stage. One of her favorite sayings is “I do!” She likes to do lots of things for herself–getting dressed, brushing teeth, buckling up, etc.–even though she often can’t complete the task on her own. It can be a little frustrating at times, but having been through this with Sam, it is easier to let it slide since I know the stage passes on its own.


Mostly easy: We are constantly remarking on what an easy child Campbell is. She is mostly happy and even when she isn’t, she is usually pretty easy to cheer up. When she is sick, she just gets more snuggly, not crabby. And she mostly complies quickly when we tell her not to do something. It is really pretty amazing. She has definitely had more “two” moments lately, but a lot of them just make us laugh. She’s picked up some of Sam’s 4 year old sass and likes to say, in a sassy voice, “sorry, no!” when she doesn’t want to do something. I know there will be ups and downs ahead but we are so grateful for what an easy little girl she is.


3 thoughts on “Campbell at TWO

  1. Grandma Judi

    Awwwwww. I will add, having just visited, that Campbell and Sam have developed their own fun game, called “What-what-ouch!” in which they jump up and down on the “what-what” until landing on their bottoms on the “ouch.” You can hear them playing in their bedroom. Adorable.

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