Author Archives: Caitlin

Chrismas Countdown 2013 (part 1)

This year we are doing our Christmas Countdown again. So far we are having a great time and it’s fun being able to include both kids in more of the activities. I love this holiday tradition!

Day 1: Buy a Tree

For some reason Sam started crying when I told him this was the day’s activity! He is such a home-body lately, I think he was sad that he had to leave the house. But we ended up having  a great time picking out the tree. Plus they had hot popcorn, so that is always a hit!


Day 2: Decorate the Tree

This was all fun and games until the Christmas lights electrocuted me. Ben says I should really say that they “shocked” me, but I think electrocuted sounds much more exciting. Anyway, it really hurt, and I decided it was probably best to throw that strand away and order a new strand on Amazon. So for a few days we had a half decorated tree, but it is fully trimmed now!



Day 3: Drumming with Dishes

A mom in my neighborhood MOMS club organized a group to go see a very cute little children’s production through Arts on the Horizon called Drumming With Dishes. It was geared for kids ages 2-5 so it was perfect for my two. They LOVED it!

Day 4: Read a Christmas Book

Simple but always a hit!

Day 5: Pick out an Ornament

We have been doing this for the past three years and are amassing a nice little collection. We go to World Market and Sam and Campbell go through all the ornaments and pick out their favorite one. When we get home, I write their name, age, and the year on the bottom. This was Campbell’s first year to get one and she picked a pink rubber ducky ornament. She was so adamant that she get the duck! Sam picked out a robot, which is definitely something he has been interested in lately. I was really excited because Sam’s first ornament (a dinosaur) broke earlier that week but we were able to find the exact same one at the store!


Day 6: Salt Dough Ornaments

This was a fun one! We painted them a few days later once they were fully cooled and hardened.





Day 7: Santa Breakfast

The kids’ preschool holds a Santa Breakfast every year and it’s really fun. We got some breakfast, the kids took their pic with Santa, and then everyone ran around and played. I was so glad neither kid cried when they sat with Santa! I am still waiting on the pic, but will post it here once I get it.


Day 8: Felt Tree

I have been wanting to make one of these for a while, so I decided to add it as an activity for the countdown this year. That way I had to make it. Sam and Campbell love it!



Day 9: Late Night Christmas Movie

We let the kids stay up late to watch the Polar Express. I was looking around for a good Christmas movie, but this was not it. Sam found it way too scary–it was surprisingly action packed! Oh well, they had fun staying up late!


Day 10: Buy Toys for Needy Children

This was intended to be a Target activity but Tuesday was a snowy day so we shopped on Amazon Prime, which worked out perfectly. Our MOMS club is buying Christmas gifts for two families in need, so we used their lists to buy some fun toys. I was really proud of Sam for not complaining that the toys were not for him. He is definitely getting to be a generous boy and I think the fact that we shopped online probably helped too!


Day 11: Write a Letter to Santa

This activity was just for Sam but I will have Campbell do it to when she is older. Sam dictated the letter to me and then I sent it to my friend Ellen to get a cute printable version (less than $5) from her store Letter Learning. I want to keep all the letters in a book somewhere so we can go back and read them when the kids are older. Here is what Sam’s letter says:

Dear Santa,

I love Santa and I want to make sure you give me a Jake ship, Scully, Tic Toc Croc, and Jake. I love you. I am going to be a good boy because I help mommy do stuff. I hug her and kiss her. I tell Campbell nice things to do to mommy.

Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho! (I said that to make you laugh.)



Day 12: Make a Gingerbread House

Trader Joe’s sells great gingerbread houses. The kids had so much fun with this! I let them taste the icing before we started decorating and Campbell kept asking for “more yummy” the whole time. Ha!


I will post Part 2 (days 13-25) sometime after Christmas!




What We Ate Wednesday

*Every Wednesday I write a blog post with all of the vegetarian dinners we ate this week!*

Wednesday: Bean and Cheese Tacos and Avocados

I made it extra easy this night with flour tortillas from TJ’s, black beans, and shredded jack. I just stuck them in the microwave (Ben always insists on heating them in a skillet but I like microwave tacos just fine!). Have I already told y’all about my avocado store? If you live in the area, you have got to go the Asian Grocery Market in the Barcroft Shopping Center (Buchanan and Columbia Pike). The avocados here are magical. They are always perfectly ripe (I buy them the same day) and always perfectly green inside. Amazing!

Thursday: Out to Dinner

We went out with Ben’s work colleagues for a going away dinner for their Sea Grant Fellow, Stephanie, who is about to move to Monaco! We had yummy Italian food on the hill (I had a salad and pesto pasta).

Friday: Out to Dinner

My dad was in town (between a trip to Chile and China!!) and he took us out to dinner at Poste. It was a nice dinner, but I am over that place. It is just not as good as it should be. We had a kind of bad restaurant week experience there a few years ago, but I decided to give them another chance and I am afraid they didn’t make the grade. I got mussels and frites. They were good, but I much prefer Columbia Firehouse‘s version! (I realize that mussels aren’t part of a normal vegetarian diet, but I am a vegetarian that occasionally eats shellfish.) 

Saturday: Breakfast for dinner

We had a leftover sweet potato and buttermilk from Thanksgiving so I made sweet potato biscuits and Ben made scrambled eggs (he makes the best scrambled eggs!!). I learned this tip from Cook’s Illustrated for biscuits–pat your dough into a rectangle and then cut it into squares with a big knife. That way you don’t have to roll out the extra dough–so much easier!! I know some of you are thinking that bacon would be good with this meal. And you’re right, it probably would be. But if you want to add bacon, can you pretty please just watch this video first?

Sunday: Indian Food Take Out

I know. I know. I have an addiction. But we were supposed to go to a holiday party that night but I got a migraine so we stayed home and had nothing to eat for dinner. And it was snowing, so we had to get delivery. And well, I like Indian food. This time I got two orders of Shahi Paneer because it is so good. Mmmmm.

Monday: Hot Dogs, Tater Tots, and Salad

I had those Field Roast “sausages” that I love so much, tater tots (because why not?) and salad for a little green (spinach, feta, candied pecans, dried cranberries, homemade vinaigrette). This was *almost* a vegan meal (no one said vegan has to be healthy!) but the hotdog buns were made with eggs.

Tuesday: Spicy Beans with Coconut Milk and Naan

My friend Kelly made this meal for me after I had Campbell and I have been making it ever since! It’s not spicy at all and the kids really like it! This was also *almost* a vegan meal but the Trader Joe’s frozen naan was made with dairy.


Snow Day!

We have had two snow days in a row here! It started snowing Sunday afternoon, so they canceled school on Monday, which definitely wasn’t necessary, as all the snow melted overnight. But then it snowed again Tuesday morning so they canceled school again!

The teacher in me still gets so excited when I hear that it’s a snow day, even though that now means something very different! I love my kids but I do miss the days when “snow day” equaled sleeping in until noon and then watching back-to-back episodes of Law and Order all day–all while not setting foot in the snow.

Now snow day means waking up at our normal time, bundling up in 8,000 layers so we can go play in the snow for 10 minutes, and then watching back-to-back Jake and The Neverland Pirates. This new snow day may not be as fun for me, but the kids sure do love it. During quiet time, poor Sam started shouting (apparently while looking out the window), “Don’t melt! Don’t melt! Noooo! Don’t melt.” Hopefully, for his sake, we’ll get another snow day again this winter!








Happy Thanksgivukkah!

This year, as you have probably heard by now, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlapped. This was great for our family as Ben’s parents and sister always come for Thanksgiving, so this year we got to celebrate Hanukkah together too! We had a great time full of cooking and eating and playing!

Fun playing outside with Grandpa Char:


Campbell’s favorite person, Auntie “Bucca”:



You always need to wear a tutu when washing dishes!





Snuggle time:


Sam got to light the candles this year, which he loved. And I got this candle making kit, which was also a hit:



Grandma Judi and I made the kids this special Thanksgiving lunch (that I pinned over a year ago on pinterest! Glad I remembered!):





Sam helping Auntie Becca make rolls:



The kids’ gift for the first night of Hanukkah–a Clementine tree! It came a little earlier than expected and it was not easy to hide!






Sam’s drumstick hat! He made this at school–too cute!





At long last, answers to all your burning questions! (For those of you who really couldn’t care less about what we ate, I apologize for all the posts. Feel free to skip right over this. My regularly scheduled kid posts will return shortly!)

1. You cook a lot! Do you ever have leftovers? What do you do with them?

Yes! We have a ton of leftovers and we use them for lunches. I really don’t know why, but we pretty much never have them for dinner. However, I am glad you brought this up, because I think I would like to start having leftovers for dinner and making lunch-y foods for lunch. Sometimes a big plate of macaroni and cheese seems a little heavy for lunch! I am kind of nervous about buying the right lunch foods so that I don’t buy too much or too little food. Does anyone plan out their weekly lunches like you do with dinner? Or do you have basically the same thing all week for lunch? Please let me know what you do for lunches in the comments! I am going to experiment with leftovers for dinner this week. (Do I sound like an alien? I feel like we may be the only family that doesn’t eat leftovers for dinner.)

2. Do you LIKE cooking? Is it a hobby? Or is it just a way to get dinner on the table?

I do like cooking, but I REALLY like eating. Before kids, we went out to dinner all the time. Now that we can’t do that as much, I have started putting more energy into making interesting meals. I also have more time and energy to cook meals now that I am a stay at home mom (I know SAHMs aren’t really known for having a ton of energy, but being with 2 kids all day is a lot less draining than being with 20 all day. Seriously, teaching is HARD WORK. Give your child’s teacher a hug — or better yet, a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant.).

My grandma Katie was a great cook and I learned a lot from her. I miss her a ton and making her recipes makes me feel connected to her. My dad and grandpa Chuck are also great cooks. They are both really good at cooking without recipes, which I am horrible at.

3. Do your kids eat what you eat?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. We nearly always serve them what we eat for dinner. I read a book, recommended by my friend Nicole, called My Two Year Old Eats Octopus when Sam was about one. The author really stresses the importance of eating dinner with your children and exposing them to lots of different foods. I plan our meals based on what sounds good to me, and try not to worry too much if it’s a “kid friendly” meal. If I am making something I KNOW the kids won’t like, I often try to include a side dish that I know they do like. Our rule for the kids is that they have to try two bites of everything and not make any rude comments about the food. We are trying to teach them to take their bites and then just say “thank you” if they don’t want more.

4. How long have you been a vegetarian?

My mom and I were vegetarians for a couple of years when I was in middle school. When I was in college, I became a vegetarian again and have been ever since. I used to eat fish, but now I only eat shellfish and only do that when we go out to eat. Ben’s been a vegetarian his whole life, though he eats fish. About 5 years ago, I started eating poultry, but that only lasted a year.

5. What are your reasons for being a vegetarian (religious? animal cruelty? just don’t like meat a ton?)?

(It is hard to answer this question without sounding sanctimonious, so I apologize in advance.) I loved eating meat. But I just can’t eat it anymore because I think it’s wrong. The best way I can explain it is this: try to picture if someone moved to town from another country and they told you that in their culture, they eat dogs. To them, they’re delicious! They try to eat at least some dog meat at every meal, they keep dogs in small cages to keep costs low, and they fatten puppies for slaughter. How would you feel about this? Would it matter how delicious the dog meat was? Wouldn’t you want to tell your neighbor that even though dog meat is delicious, he shouldn’t eat it? Or maybe start by telling him he doesn’t need to eat it at every meal? But what is the difference between a dog and a pig? Pigs are at least as smart as dogs. Some people even keep them for pets. We don’t need to eat meat to stay healthy. So why do it? Yes it tastes good, but I am just not willing to have that much pain and suffering on my conscience just so I can have something that tastes good.

There are also plenty of environmental reasons for avoiding meat that you can read about here.

And here are some health arguments for being a vegetarian.

And here is a Christian perspective on not eating meat.

If you want to read more about factory farming conditions (which make my dog meat example sound like a fairy tale) check out this link with excerpts from the book Slaughterhouse. Or watch this video. It is really, really sad.

6. How and when do you do meal planning?

I usually do meal planning on Tuesday nights. I go through Evernote (see next question) and pick out recipes that look good and plug them into my Google calendar as an all day event. I do the whole week (Wednesday-Tuesday), skipping nights that we have dinner plans such as date nights or parties. Then I use my shopshop app to make my grocery list. I love this app and highly recommend it! Before each grocery item I write @pro (produce), @dairy, @mid (middle of the store), @up (our Harris Teeter has two stories), or @TJ (stuff I get at Trader Joe’s). Then I alphabetize the shopping list and that way my list is divided into sections by where I get it. I go shopping on Wednesdays. I try to go to TJ’s first because they don’t always have what I need. Then I hit up Harris Teeter. Occasionally I have to go to Whole Foods too, but if so, I do that another day.

7. How do you organize your recipes?

Ok, so no one actually asked this question. But I just really wanted to share Evernote with you. It is a computer program and it also has apps for your phone (which is nice when you find yourself at the store without a shopping list). You can copy and paste recipes into the program or you can add scanned recipes as images What I love about Evernote is how you can search it. You can enter ingredients and it will pull up all the recipes that have those ingredients listed–it will even find scanned recipes (including handwritten recipes) that use those words! How cool is that? Whenever we see recipes that look good, or a recipe someone recommends, Ben or I paste it into Evernote so that I can find it later. When you paste a recipe from a website, Evernote automatically adds a link for the recipe so you can remember where you found it later. You can add tags for the recipes like breakfast, vegan, etc. but I always forget to do that. For a while we were scanning a lot of our favorite recipes from cookbooks into Evernote but that’s kind of time-consuming! Maybe someday when I have a bunch of free time (ha!). By the way, I should mention that Evernote isn’t just for recipes and people use it for a bunch of different things–mainly note taking. We use the free version and we use plain Evernote, not Evernote Food.

8. Do you have any tips and tricks for getting dinner on the table, especially with kids?

First of all, I have plenty of fails. Pretty much every night you see that we got takeout was a night that I didn’t get dinner made for one reason or another. I never plan on takeout! Sometimes we also end up eating much later than planned because dinner takes longer than expected, and then we scramble to get the kids in bed at a reasonable hour. But here are some tips for getting dinner made on a normal night:

  • Planning out our weekly menus and shopping for the week definitely helps. I know what I am supposed to make ahead of time and I have the ingredients for it (ideally).
  • I try to not leave the house after nap time. On Mondays, we have a gymnastics class so I plan super quick meals or meals that I can make completely ahead of time.
  • I usually start cooking at about 4 or 4:30 and we usually eat dinner at 6:30 or 7. I’ll chop up all the ingredients, then stop and do something with the kids, then I’ll go make the sauce, then go attend to the kids, then boil the pasta, etc. I do a lot of starting and stopping.
  • Sam gets to watch 30-60 minutes of TV per day and this is when he gets to watch it! That helps a lot. I also set the kids up with snacks while I am cooking. And then set them up with coloring or play-do. Campbell is definitely at a tricky age for making dinner right now. She doesn’t like when I go in the kitchen and shut the gate and cries for me to pick her up. Occupying her with a snack and/or an activity helps. And Sam can be a big help too when he is playing nicely with her!
  • I usually try to only do one new recipe per week (if that) so at least I am kind of familiar with all of the recipes.

What We Ate Wednesday

*Every Wednesday I write a blog post with all of the vegetarian dinners we ate this week!*

I hope everyone had a wonderful and filling Thanksgiving dinner! I know we sure did! Also, I asked last week for any questions for my Q and A post, but haven’t gotten around to putting that together. So, if you have a question about our meals, my cooking, being a vegetarian, etc. please let me know by Friday and I will try to do it this weekend!

Wednesday: Latkes

Wednesday was the first night of Hanukkah, so we had latkes. Ben’s parents and sister were in town, so it was really fun to celebrate Hanukkah with them. I made the latkes and Ben fried them.

Thursday: Thanksgiving!

People often ask how we do Thanksgiving since we don’t eat meat, but I can honestly say I don’t miss the turkey one bit. I was always way more into the side dishes even when we had a turkey. And I love that Ben’s family is vegetarian too so I don’t have to mess with cooking a bird.

This year I tried three new things, which is pretty unheard of for me. I made this spinach pie, which I had at a holiday-themed potluck but never made before. And I made this corn and rice dressing, which I had never even tried before! It was delicious though and I think it will be a future staple! I also made a mushroom gravy after hearing Molly Katzen talking about it on the Splendid Table. Ha! It was sooo good and gluten free too, if you’re into that sort of thing. I did have to reduce it a LOT longer than she suggested and added extra cornstarch. I also made mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, and cranberries. Ben’s sister made these homemade rolls and Ben’s mom made pumpkin pie and apple crisp (her recipes–sorry I don’t have a link!).

Friday: Leftovers

Best part of Thanksgiving!

Saturday: Date Night Fail

Ben, Rebecca and I all decided to go to the Walkmen concert at Union Market in DC. When we bought the tickets a month ago it sounded super fun. However, what they neglected to mention when they sold us the tickets, is that the concert venue was outside. On the last day of November. It was 30 degrees!! Ugh! But the food was good at least. My first dinner was empanadas from the empanada place in Union Market (indoors!). My second dinner was a grilled cheese and tomato soup from the Ris tent outside. It was really cold–I think I earned that second dinner!


Sunday: Fondue Party

My friend Lorna is moving away from the neighborhood, so a bunch of us hosted a going away party for her. My friend Angie organized and hosted. She provided the cheese and chocolate fondue and the rest of us provided the dippers and wine. Both fondues were AMAZING and the company was even better. I have known these girls since Sam was born and have developed some really great friendships. We used to get together every week when we had babies that would just sit or even sleep quietly. Now it is a little harder to get together, and even harder to get together without our kids, so this was a really fun night.

Monday: Latkes Redux

I really like latkes! This time I made some non-traditional ones. And again, Ben fried. We served these cauliflower latkes with regular jarred applesauce and we served these spanolatkes with a greek yogurt dip from Trader Joe’s. We also had a simple salad.

Tuesday: Mac and Cheese and Roasted Broccoli

The mac and cheese recipe is my grandma’s, except I use whole wheat noodles. Here is a similar recipe. The Roasted Broccoli is from Ina Garten and it is AMAZING.

Hanukkah at Preschool

When Ben was younger, his parents used to come into his classroom during the Hanukkah season to teach all his classmates about Hanukkah. I know this because many of our friends that were in his class back then bring it up whenever we see them! It seems like the Hanukkah lesson was a hit!! So this year when Sam’s teacher mentioned that she loves to have parents come in to give demonstrations about a special tradition they have, like Hanukkah, we knew we had to do it!

I let Ben take the lead on all this (he is the Jewish parent, after all) and he did an awesome job! He planned a whole mini lesson for the kids explaining the story of Hanukkah and what we do to celebrate. Sam got to co-teach with him, which he LOVED. Sam lit the candles and showed the kids how to spin the dreidel, and then Ben read a short Hanukkah book. Then all the kids got to try a latke and take home a dreidel.

It was so fun and I am sure we will do it again in his future classes!!





Happy Thanksgiving

My favorite part of Thanksgiving is after dinner when everyone says what they are thankful for. Here are some things I am thankful for. I hope you have a very thankful Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for my husband, who is kind, interesting, and supportive. I am thankful that I get to spend my life with my best friend.

I am thankful for my little boy. He is hilarious, crazy, generous, cuddly, and sweet.

I am thankful for my little baby girl. She makes us laugh every day with her goofiness and she gives better hugs than anyone I know.

I am thankful for our house. I like to complain about how small it is, but it’s a great house that keeps us warm and safe.

I am thankful for my dog. He is ridiculously hyper, but sweet too. And though his incessant barking drives me crazy, I know he is better than any alarm system.


What We Ate Wednesday

*Every Wednesday I write a blog post with all of the vegetarian dinners we ate this week!*

One of my friends recommended that I do a Question and Answer about my weekly food posts. Sounds like a great idea to me! If you have any questions, just leave a comment here, or on my FB page, or send me an email. I will try to answer all questions next week!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Wednesday: Pumpkin Pancakes

I thought it would be fun to have a fall themed breakfast for dinner night. But I am really not much of a sweets person and this dinner was actually way to sweet for me. And weirdly, the kids weren’t that into it either. But I think Ben liked it!

Thursday: Cheese Pizza and Greek Salad

I made a cheese pizza using pizza dough, pizza sauce, and shredded cheese, all from Trader Joes. Super easy, but I do recommend allowing lots of time to stretch out the pizza dough because I always rip it when I’m in a hurry. And I made my sister’s greek salad which was sooo yummy: 1/2 english cucumber, grape tomatoes halved, 1/2 block of feta cubed, 1 bell pepper chopped, greek olives, red onion thinly sliced, olive oil, white vinegar, dried oregano, and salt.

Friday: Pimento Grilled Cheese and Creamy Tomato Soup

This meal was SO good! I was even kind of sad to go out to eat the next day because I really wanted to eat the leftovers. SOOOO good! This is my favorite grilled cheese but I have never made this soup before. Yum!

Saturday: Date Night

Ben and I had a delicious dinner at Cuba Libre. We shared a bunch of small plates which is always fun!

Sunday: Mushroom Bourguignon

This was a great Sunday dinner. Super yummy and definitely easier to make than beef bourguignon. Try it! You won’t even miss the meat.

Monday: Indian Take-Out

I am kind of obsessed with Indian food lately! And I realized we were out of broth at the last minute (kind of a necessity for soup), so Ben and his parents picked up some Indian food on the way home from the airport.

Tuesday: Amazing Lentils and Kale Soup with Cornbread

One of the best things about doing these WWAW posts is all the recipes my friends have been sending me. I love trying something new, and this recipe from my friend Angie was so good! It was also really healthy and easy–great plusses. Angie recommended serving it with cornbread which was perfect. i just used the Trader Joe’s mix–yummy.

What We Ate Wednesday

*Every Wednesday I write a blog post with all of the vegetarian dinners we ate this week!*

You may have noticed that I’ve stopped including food photos. I decided my photos were doing more harm than good. Food photography is hard, especially at night. But seeing this made me feel a little less bad about my failings!

Wednesday: Hot Dogs and Curried Couscous

Say what? Hot dogs?! Don’t worry, these were veggie dogs. I have tried veggie dogs in the past and not been too impressed (which is kind of surprising given that I am not sure you can call what’s in a regular hot dog “meat” exactly). But my friend Angie recommended these field roast smoked apple sage “sausages” and they were delightful!! They didn’t taste like fake-anything–they just tasted good. We served them in buns with ketchup and mustard. I also made this couscous as a side. I am kind of obsessed with it.

Thursday: Cheese Flautas with Cilantro Pesto, Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, and Black Eyed Pea Salad

I just made this a few weeks ago, and I am sure I will make it again soon, as it is my favorite fall meal. Click for recipes for the flautas, soup, and salad.

Friday: Paneer Makhani

Y’all. I am pretty impressed with myself. I made a delicious Indian meal from scratch!! It was actually very easy–it just involved a trip to an Indian grocery for some special spices. My friend Puja has an amazing food blog, which is where I got this recipe. You should really give it a try. SO good! I served it with rice and frozen naan from Trader Joe’s.

Saturday: Date Night

My mom and step-dad were in town this weekend, so we took advantage of the free babysitters and went to see Gravity at our favorite movie theater. Woah. Intense! While we were there, we decided to try out a Mexican place that just opened. Cyclone Anaya’s is actually a Texas-based chain, so we were pretty excited to try it. We both liked it, though we actually have Mexican restaurants in town that we like a little better. I got cheese enchiladas with verde sauce, which is pretty much my standard tex-mex order.

Sunday: Creamy Baked Four Cheese Pasta

This was our week to host our friends, the Hobbs, over for dinner. I made this baked four cheese pasta, which is a winter favorite of mine. I added tomatoes and basil (this option is in the recipe). I also served it with a salad and had oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert (made by Sam and my mom). So far, I am loving our bimonthly dinners! Such a fun way to get together with good friends.

Monday: District Taco (kids date night)

Sam’s girlfriend, Millie, invited him out to dinner with her, so who was I to say no? Of course we went to District Taco. I would just like to say, that in addition to all the times you see District Taco in these WWAW posts, just know that we are also eating lunch there at least once a week. I have an addiction.

Tuesday: Baked Potatoes and Salad

This was a nice, easy meal. I served the potatoes with cheddar, butter, and greek yogurt (instead of sour cream). I also made a delicious salad. I really like the dressing from this recipe. It is pretty easy, but tastes gourmet. For the actual salad, I like spinach, dried cranberries, feta, and candied pecans (all from Trader Joe’s).